Captain Wonder Cape
What would the world be without toilet paper ?! After all, even superheroes have to go to the bathroom! Of course, it can happen that the paper gets tangled in your own superhero costume. Suddenly your fluttering cape is getting longer, but unfortunately it is no longer completely pure.
In Captain Wonder Cape, you play a dual role: As Captain Wonder Cape, each of you tries to pull the longest possible cape (i.e., strip of toilet paper) out of the box without ripping it — but you also have to give Professor P. a chance to perform dirty tricks on the strip of toilet paper.
Take on this delicate challenge, and whoever has drawn the longest toilet paper strip wins the game…and the title “Captain toilet brush”.
Game designed with Walter Obert
What’s in the box?
1 toilet roll paper
8 wooden poo
1 dice
1 pipette
Game instructions
Publisher: Huch & Friends
Year: 2020
Age Range: 7 +
Players: 2-6
2021: Premio Efesto – Best Innovative Filler

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